Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why am I never full for long?

I know it's nerve wracking always asking, what to eat, when to eat and  how much should I eat? It's all so very confusing.

We have become obsessed with weight loss but we still can't seem to lose the weight. Our stores are blasting us with all the latest fad diets, weight loss secrets and miracle foods.

Guess what??? Weight loss is pretty simple.

We see ads for weight loss drinks, low fat foods that are ladened with chemicals and artificial sweeteners  Nature didn't intend for our bodies to be loaded down with chemicals, no fat and no carbohydrates.

One secret to looking better and feeling better is simple....increase your fruits and vegetables.         ( Yeah, I know. You didn't want to hear that :)

If you are eating foods with artificial ingredients and meals loaded with carbs or eating too little, your body is going to keep telling you it's hungry.

We need to feel empowered and be in control of our hunger, where we aren't thinking about food all the time. Now that is a great feeling!

So what is volumetrics? This is simply...you eat more food high in nutrients so your body will feel satisfied. That simple!

Your body speaks one language- NUTRIENTS!!! It can't count calories or base it's satisfaction on calories. It knows what nutrients it's lacking, so you are going to feel hunger until you give your body the nutrients it's lacking.

When you give your body "NATURE" food, it's saying, YES!! They are listening. They are giving me what I want or need.

When your diet consist of high amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, it is finally full. When your body is loaded with nutrients, your body knows how to use this and your brain finally gets the signal, I'm Happy! I'm full.

You can also drink juices that you make in your juicer, which is becoming really popular or drink a smoothie to get these nutrients. They don't add volume but they are adding huge amounts of usable nutrients to the body.

I hop now you will stop and think about what you are feeding your body and why.

Stay fit, stay healthy and stay fantastic!!